Erotic Stories #7 by Celino

by Celino

I love the female being;
Moreover it fits well with the body;

both form a perfect set,
as curtain

and the high window.


Sex importunes the woman
Who, in mind, suffers the copulator;

a loving noisy neighbor,
who inhabited the upper floor

of her existence.


Woman submits the phallus
to the hard loving interrogatory;
She harasses it, tortures it, until exhaustion,
as a prisoner of the Resistance;

until capsizing, gurgling in tears of semen

and confessing the love it is suspect of.


Brazilian women landed the nation,
as whores to a village.

There is fear among local women
because the Brazilian is beautiful

it is invincible as woman.


Reportedly, the woman`s weigh in pounds
is, approximately, one hundred and ten.

That is enough, however, to destroy all the life
of being that, for love,

with her collides.


The beautiful woman moves away from factories or sanatoriums,
hostels, dens and other hospices
whose beggars, homeless or crazed people,
unwisely, in their wake,
easily would proclaim the treacherous truth

her beautiful being raise up to their mind.


"-In the morning I aspire the freshness emanates from your breasts,
as an elixir;

afternoon, I stretch me under its dense shade,
- A road stall

where melons are sold. "


I intend not to rub your thigh or hip,
not to cross the threshold of your breasts,
to respect your sexy fence, 
others covet and assault to kill hunger
and evade the products of that generous farm and strange,

- you woman the acre.


Firstly, fate was read in the phallus;
whores did it.

Later, for modesty or decency, hand was chosen
and, for this adaptation,

Gypsy kneeled up.


Sometimes, when playing with the phallus
a jet of semen surprises maiden,
a serpent's hiss that unexpectedly came loose
and the sensual mind targets
as stray bullet

of love.


we are prevented from uttering obscenities before women;

but we can treacherously execute them,
in a private room,

at the improper Loving hour.


Saint won`t have deep thighs or large breasts,
But our lay neighbor has them,
thighs calloused of love and fuck
and seedy breasts,
as the rough hands of a farmer

of beauty.


At the restaurant`s table
a couple accommodates up frontally
and starts the sober mental meal;

however, at the dark background of woman shines a light,

a beacon flashing on the night of her legs.


It is hard the whore`s industry as the blacksmith;

Pale light points out that in dismal workshop

the whore labors until the wee hours of life;
working out the shapes, feeding the lust Forge

pounding and twisting the iron of love.


Grubing the beauty of women on the outskirts of wanton anus
I`ve discovered a defect in the flesh;
As, at the door of the loving tavern,
a specially consumed step denounces
the intense work of fuck,

the wanton loving perversion.


After defeating the phallus
woman remains exhausted but victorious of love;

on the abuzz bed and battlefield of perfidy;
she mentally rests and, by the end, still photographs herself over the prey

as an experimented elephants` hunter.


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